Timeline Improvements

This week, we made a few improvements to the timeline that will increase your productivity in Fable.

  1. Setting a layer’s parent now overwrites any existing parent relationships. You no longer have to remove the parent connection to create a new one.

  2. We added a keyboard shortcut for zooming in = and out - of the timeline.

  3. The keyboard shortcuts for moving the playhead to the next/previous keyframe g/f now only account for keyframes currently visible on the timeline.

Improvements & fixes

  • Audio layer volume now uses decibel (db) units instead of a percentage.

  • Shape tools are now hidden while in path editing mode.

  • Compound shapes are now deleted when all their children are deleted.

  • Previously, blocks with the same name would all collapse if you closed any of them. Now, each block is collapsed independently.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Bring to front” and layer-priority “Bring to back” actions to add and remove layers from groups. Now, these layer-priority actions keep layers within the groups they are currently in.

  • Fixed a bug with particles that caused the “Opacity” and “Turbulence” properties on particles to behave unexpectedly.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when using the color picker with multiple layers.

  • Fixed a bug that caused adjusting the anchor point of a scene to create position keyframes on the children layers.

  • Fixed a bug that caused paths with a trim setting of start: 0% and end: 100% to be hidden on the canvas. Now, these settings display the full path.

  • Fixed inaccurate bounding boxes around straight 2-point paths. Now, you can align straight paths vertically and horizontally.

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the effects panel to overlap with the inspector.

  • Fixed a bug that raised an error notification when new users signed up.

Timeline Improvements

This week, we made a few improvements to the timeline that will increase your productivity in Fable.

  1. Setting a layer’s parent now overwrites any existing parent relationships. You no longer have to remove the parent connection to create a new one.

  2. We added a keyboard shortcut for zooming in = and out - of the timeline.

  3. The keyboard shortcuts for moving the playhead to the next/previous keyframe g/f now only account for keyframes currently visible on the timeline.

Improvements & fixes

  • Audio layer volume now uses decibel (db) units instead of a percentage.

  • Shape tools are now hidden while in path editing mode.

  • Compound shapes are now deleted when all their children are deleted.

  • Previously, blocks with the same name would all collapse if you closed any of them. Now, each block is collapsed independently.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Bring to front” and layer-priority “Bring to back” actions to add and remove layers from groups. Now, these layer-priority actions keep layers within the groups they are currently in.

  • Fixed a bug with particles that caused the “Opacity” and “Turbulence” properties on particles to behave unexpectedly.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when using the color picker with multiple layers.

  • Fixed a bug that caused adjusting the anchor point of a scene to create position keyframes on the children layers.

  • Fixed a bug that caused paths with a trim setting of start: 0% and end: 100% to be hidden on the canvas. Now, these settings display the full path.

  • Fixed inaccurate bounding boxes around straight 2-point paths. Now, you can align straight paths vertically and horizontally.

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the effects panel to overlap with the inspector.

  • Fixed a bug that raised an error notification when new users signed up.

Timeline Improvements

This week, we made a few improvements to the timeline that will increase your productivity in Fable.

  1. Setting a layer’s parent now overwrites any existing parent relationships. You no longer have to remove the parent connection to create a new one.

  2. We added a keyboard shortcut for zooming in = and out - of the timeline.

  3. The keyboard shortcuts for moving the playhead to the next/previous keyframe g/f now only account for keyframes currently visible on the timeline.

Improvements & fixes

  • Audio layer volume now uses decibel (db) units instead of a percentage.

  • Shape tools are now hidden while in path editing mode.

  • Compound shapes are now deleted when all their children are deleted.

  • Previously, blocks with the same name would all collapse if you closed any of them. Now, each block is collapsed independently.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Bring to front” and layer-priority “Bring to back” actions to add and remove layers from groups. Now, these layer-priority actions keep layers within the groups they are currently in.

  • Fixed a bug with particles that caused the “Opacity” and “Turbulence” properties on particles to behave unexpectedly.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to crash when using the color picker with multiple layers.

  • Fixed a bug that caused adjusting the anchor point of a scene to create position keyframes on the children layers.

  • Fixed a bug that caused paths with a trim setting of start: 0% and end: 100% to be hidden on the canvas. Now, these settings display the full path.

  • Fixed inaccurate bounding boxes around straight 2-point paths. Now, you can align straight paths vertically and horizontally.

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the effects panel to overlap with the inspector.

  • Fixed a bug that raised an error notification when new users signed up.