
Bring your projects into razor-sharp focus with the new Sharpen effect – perfect for enhancing details and adding clarity to your project

Sharpen can be added to layers, groups, or the overall project. Find Sharpen by searching for it in the Effects panel.

Improvements & Fixes
  • Simplified the Fill effect to only have a paint input. Previous alpha controls have been merged with the block’s global opacity property.

  • Resolved a crash that occurred when copy and pasting keyframes.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when minimum and maximum values overlapped on the Clamp effect.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when splitting layers inside of a component.

  • Prevented a crash that occurred when attempting to set a layer as a mask to itself.

  • Prevented a crash that occurred when attempting to duplicate an existing mask connection.

  • Resolved issues with using video layers as masks. Now they should behave as masks like any other layer type.

  • Added keyboard shortcuts for adjusting bezier handles while editing shapes/paths. Hold the option/alt key to activate disconnected handles. Hold the cmd key to maintain symmetric handles while on smooth handles. Adjusting the handles without any modifiers maintains the current behavior of smooth asymmetric handles.


Bring your projects into razor-sharp focus with the new Sharpen effect – perfect for enhancing details and adding clarity to your project

Sharpen can be added to layers, groups, or the overall project. Find Sharpen by searching for it in the Effects panel.

Improvements & Fixes
  • Simplified the Fill effect to only have a paint input. Previous alpha controls have been merged with the block’s global opacity property.

  • Resolved a crash that occurred when copy and pasting keyframes.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when minimum and maximum values overlapped on the Clamp effect.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when splitting layers inside of a component.

  • Prevented a crash that occurred when attempting to set a layer as a mask to itself.

  • Prevented a crash that occurred when attempting to duplicate an existing mask connection.

  • Resolved issues with using video layers as masks. Now they should behave as masks like any other layer type.

  • Added keyboard shortcuts for adjusting bezier handles while editing shapes/paths. Hold the option/alt key to activate disconnected handles. Hold the cmd key to maintain symmetric handles while on smooth handles. Adjusting the handles without any modifiers maintains the current behavior of smooth asymmetric handles.


Bring your projects into razor-sharp focus with the new Sharpen effect – perfect for enhancing details and adding clarity to your project

Sharpen can be added to layers, groups, or the overall project. Find Sharpen by searching for it in the Effects panel.

Improvements & Fixes
  • Simplified the Fill effect to only have a paint input. Previous alpha controls have been merged with the block’s global opacity property.

  • Resolved a crash that occurred when copy and pasting keyframes.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when minimum and maximum values overlapped on the Clamp effect.

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when splitting layers inside of a component.

  • Prevented a crash that occurred when attempting to set a layer as a mask to itself.

  • Prevented a crash that occurred when attempting to duplicate an existing mask connection.

  • Resolved issues with using video layers as masks. Now they should behave as masks like any other layer type.

  • Added keyboard shortcuts for adjusting bezier handles while editing shapes/paths. Hold the option/alt key to activate disconnected handles. Hold the cmd key to maintain symmetric handles while on smooth handles. Adjusting the handles without any modifiers maintains the current behavior of smooth asymmetric handles.