Dashboard Previews
Project previews
Project Previews are an efficient addition to your Project Dashboard. Hover over a project thumbnail to activate a preview of your project directly on the project card.
Real-time updates
The Project Dashboard updates in real-time, so you can quickly see changes made to projects or new projects your teammates create.
Improvements & fixes
Introduced the ability to adjust transformation properties on multiple layers simultaneously. You can do so by selecting multiple layers and adjusting transformation properties on the Inspector panel.
Fixed a bug that caused the glow effect to render distortion effects inaccurately.
Fixed a bug that made the Trim Path: Trim Offset parameter behave strangely on Lottie exports.
Fixed a bug that caused outlined text from Figma to import incompletely.
Fixed a bug that skewed the position/rotation of shapes imported from Figma.
Fixed a bug that didn’t preserve opacity settings imported from Figma.
Fixed a bug that caused 2-point lines from Figma to import incorrectly.
Fixed a bug that prevented comments from loading.