Property connections

Property connections

Learn how to create connections in Fable.

What are connections?

Fable offers a world of motion control properties, but handling them all can be overwhelming, especially for beginners or complex projects. That's where connections come in – the key to streamlining controls.

By linking properties, connections ensure that multiple values automatically stay in sync, and you can build your design freely without repetitive adjustments.

Understanding Connections

Input Connections

In the Input section, you see the property controlling the selected one. The selected property always inherits its input connection's value. Each property can only have one incoming connection.

Output Connections

The Output section lists properties controlled by the selected one. All listed properties inherit the selected property's value. Multiple outgoing connections are possible, letting a single property input influence numerous elements in your project.

Property Types

Every property in Fable has a specific type:

  • Number: Used by Rotation, Width, Opacity

  • 2D Number: Used by Position, Scale, Skew

  • Text: Used by a text layer’s content property

  • Color: Used by Fill, Stroke color

  • Boolean: Used by checkboxes

When connecting properties, ensure their types match. The Connections Panel automatically filters properties that are compatible with the selected property.

Using the Connections Panel

The Connections Panel displays a specific property’s active connections and allows you to create new connections. To create incoming/outgoing connections:

  1. Hover over the property you want to create a connection for.

  2. Click the Connection Port (blue dot) on the left to open the Connections Panel.

  3. Click + "Add input…" or “Add output… to assign the connection.

  4. Select the property you want to connect to.

Using the Property Connector

The Property Connector is a convenient way to make connections. To create quick connections:

  1. Click and drag the Connector Port (blue dot) to reveal the property connector arrow.

  2. Drag the connector to a compatible property.

  3. Release over the property to create a connection.

Overriding Connections

Since each property can only have one input, Fable automatically overwrites existing connections if you attempt to connect to a property with an existing input.

An indicator in the Connections Panel marks properties with existing inputs when a connection is overwritten.

Breaking Connections

Connections are not permanent; you can break them in the Connections Panel by clicking the property you want to remove.

Disconnected properties retain their current values but are no longer synchronized.

Learn more about Connections with Variables.

What are connections?

Fable offers a world of motion control properties, but handling them all can be overwhelming, especially for beginners or complex projects. That's where connections come in – the key to streamlining controls.

By linking properties, connections ensure that multiple values automatically stay in sync, and you can build your design freely without repetitive adjustments.

Understanding Connections

Input Connections

In the Input section, you see the property controlling the selected one. The selected property always inherits its input connection's value. Each property can only have one incoming connection.

Output Connections

The Output section lists properties controlled by the selected one. All listed properties inherit the selected property's value. Multiple outgoing connections are possible, letting a single property input influence numerous elements in your project.

Property Types

Every property in Fable has a specific type:

  • Number: Used by Rotation, Width, Opacity

  • 2D Number: Used by Position, Scale, Skew

  • Text: Used by a text layer’s content property

  • Color: Used by Fill, Stroke color

  • Boolean: Used by checkboxes

When connecting properties, ensure their types match. The Connections Panel automatically filters properties that are compatible with the selected property.

Using the Connections Panel

The Connections Panel displays a specific property’s active connections and allows you to create new connections. To create incoming/outgoing connections:

  1. Hover over the property you want to create a connection for.

  2. Click the Connection Port (blue dot) on the left to open the Connections Panel.

  3. Click + "Add input…" or “Add output… to assign the connection.

  4. Select the property you want to connect to.

Using the Property Connector

The Property Connector is a convenient way to make connections. To create quick connections:

  1. Click and drag the Connector Port (blue dot) to reveal the property connector arrow.

  2. Drag the connector to a compatible property.

  3. Release over the property to create a connection.

Overriding Connections

Since each property can only have one input, Fable automatically overwrites existing connections if you attempt to connect to a property with an existing input.

An indicator in the Connections Panel marks properties with existing inputs when a connection is overwritten.

Breaking Connections

Connections are not permanent; you can break them in the Connections Panel by clicking the property you want to remove.

Disconnected properties retain their current values but are no longer synchronized.

Learn more about Connections with Variables.

What are connections?

Fable offers a world of motion control properties, but handling them all can be overwhelming, especially for beginners or complex projects. That's where connections come in – the key to streamlining controls.

By linking properties, connections ensure that multiple values automatically stay in sync, and you can build your design freely without repetitive adjustments.

Understanding Connections

Input Connections

In the Input section, you see the property controlling the selected one. The selected property always inherits its input connection's value. Each property can only have one incoming connection.

Output Connections

The Output section lists properties controlled by the selected one. All listed properties inherit the selected property's value. Multiple outgoing connections are possible, letting a single property input influence numerous elements in your project.

Property Types

Every property in Fable has a specific type:

  • Number: Used by Rotation, Width, Opacity

  • 2D Number: Used by Position, Scale, Skew

  • Text: Used by a text layer’s content property

  • Color: Used by Fill, Stroke color

  • Boolean: Used by checkboxes

When connecting properties, ensure their types match. The Connections Panel automatically filters properties that are compatible with the selected property.

Using the Connections Panel

The Connections Panel displays a specific property’s active connections and allows you to create new connections. To create incoming/outgoing connections:

  1. Hover over the property you want to create a connection for.

  2. Click the Connection Port (blue dot) on the left to open the Connections Panel.

  3. Click + "Add input…" or “Add output… to assign the connection.

  4. Select the property you want to connect to.

Using the Property Connector

The Property Connector is a convenient way to make connections. To create quick connections:

  1. Click and drag the Connector Port (blue dot) to reveal the property connector arrow.

  2. Drag the connector to a compatible property.

  3. Release over the property to create a connection.

Overriding Connections

Since each property can only have one input, Fable automatically overwrites existing connections if you attempt to connect to a property with an existing input.

An indicator in the Connections Panel marks properties with existing inputs when a connection is overwritten.

Breaking Connections

Connections are not permanent; you can break them in the Connections Panel by clicking the property you want to remove.

Disconnected properties retain their current values but are no longer synchronized.

Learn more about Connections with Variables.

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